NULL Skriv ut sidan - SV: Household Record


Titel: SV: Household Record
Skrivet av: Georgina Smith skrivet 2017-03-14, 18:43
Lars Staffansson/Stephansson with parents 1835-1845 Page 94
Hope the attachment works, I have never tried that before. I found it on familysearch which is records from what used to be genline. In this household record Lars is youngest child. I was given Transtrand as place of birth. I searched Kopparberg County and then Transtrand Parish. The reason I posted in this area is that I want to know Parish of where mother Anna is born. It is presumed that others were born in Transtrand. I first started with Lars and wife with children, then found him with his parents without any trouble. But now familysearch has made change and I do not know how to search the way I did.