NULL Skriv ut sidan - Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 16 maj, 2011


Titel: Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 16 maj, 2011
Skrivet av: Torsten Berglund skrivet 2011-05-16, 14:56
Victor and Samuel,
As Samuel writes (14 April 2011), it is just an assumption that Gosven Hansson in Hagge was married to a sister of Anders Olsson in Starbo, based on one single court record notice from 1549 that is included in a longer notice about Starbo. In fact this assumption can't possible be correct. I guess that the source of this information that Victor has found on the Internet comes from Kjell Vadfors' manuscript “Byalängd för Norrbärke socken” (1997) where he (p. 329) has written that Olof Hansson has a 'daughter, probably married to Godsven in Hagge', and Vadfors base his assumption on the same court notice.  
It should first be remarked that this court record notice from Norrbärke in 3 April 1549 does not tell that it was Anders' sister's part in Starbo that Gosven gave to Anders in exchange of two parts in Kolviken, Norrbärke, just that it was one sister's part in Starbo. It is important to recognize that an estate was divided into brother's and sister's parts when the distribution of an estate was done, because the share of a daughter was only half compared with a son's share. This means that the sister's part that Gosven gave to Anders actually could derive from any female person that have inherited a part in Starbo back in the history, and Gosven or his wife or his parents etc could have inherited, bought or got it in exchange before Gosven gave it to Anders Olsson. Opposite to the first part of the court notice, where it is noticed that Jöns Bengtsson's in Västansjö, Norrbärke, father Bengt had sold his brother's part in Starbo to his brother who was Anders Olsson's father, there is no information about how the relationship between Anders and Gosven was (if any).  
It is not possible from this only notice to say that Gosven was married to Anders Olsson's sister. Actually we know from other sources that Gosven Hansson can't possible have been married to Anders Olsson's sister because Gosven's grandson Hans Olofsson in Starbo was married to a granddaughter of Anders Olsson. Cousin marriage was forbidden in Sweden before 1845 and it wasn't possible to get exemption from this ban in the 1500s.    
About systerlott and brorslott (sister's and brother's part or share), see  this discussion in Anbytarforum under Metodfrågor ( target=_blank).
The court record notice referred to:
“Talade och Godhßwenn j Hagge Anders Olßon till vm  
enn syster deel j Starebodha vm hwilken systerdeel dhe  
bleffwe ßå förente dett Anders Olßon vnte och antwart-
dadhe Godßwenn twådelener vdi for:na hemman Kålwijken  
vtwäghar och alla andra vtwäghar, och Godßwen  
vnte och antwardade Anders Olßon then systerdeel j Sta
rebodha medt teß allom tiläghom ewerdelegha adt nyuta  
for ßigh och ßynom effterkomandom vnnar Anderße och hans  
arwom och jngom androm etc.”
Ur: Dalarnas domböcker, volym I:AI:1, fol. 138r, ting i Norrbärke 3 april 1549 (ULA)
(Meddelandet ändrat av tbd 2011-05-16 15:27)