NULL Skriv ut sidan - Romanov mysterium


Titel: Romanov mysterium
Skrivet av: Patrick von Brömsen skrivet 2010-11-03, 15:32
Hej Åsa
Här kommer lite information! Som man kan se så stämmer då inte Michaels information alls. Om han själv ljuger eller om han blivit itutad det hela får vi väl inte reda på. Det fanns alldeles nyligen i någon svensk historietidning just denna historia.
On April 30, 2008, Russian forensic scientists announced that DNA testing proves that the remains belong to the Tsarevich Alexei and to one of his sisters. DNA information, made public in July 2008, that has been obtained from Ekaterinburg and repeatedly subject to independent testing by laboratories such as the University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA, and reveals that the final two missing Romanov remains are indeed authentic and that the entire Romanov family housed in the Ipatiev House, Ekaterinburg were executed in the early hours of July 17, 1918. Details relating to the forthcoming burial procedure will have to be discussed by a Russian State commission and by the Moscow Patriarchate
Vänligen Patrick